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Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

This is a melon for health benefits

Here are 6 properties of melon to health.

1. Fruit Melon Relieves heartburn

Heat the interior. By means of heat in the body. Usually, characterized by chapped wounds and lips. Very annoying because it is very disturbing mouth activity like eating, drinking and even talking. But I'll show you a solution. Eat their melon regularly. There is a 95% moisture content in melons that can provide a cool effect. So melon fruit useful to make the heat inside stopped. In the melon fruit are the vitamins A, B and C and which also contains phosphorus, protein and calcium. With regard to the nutrient content contained in the melon is 0.03 mg of vitamin B1; 25.00 mg of phosphorus; 0.5 mg iron; 34 mg of vitamin C; 640 mg I.U vitamin A; And 15.00 mg of calcium. Displaying the content of melon fruit very well at all if we eat melons every day.

2. Fruit Melon Smooth CHAPTER

Difficult defecation (BAB) is a serious problem. Should not be underestimated. Want to avoid this serious problem? Eat Melon fruit. Because Melon Fruit meal can make defecation to be smooth. Melon fruit contains very good water for digestion. With the mineral content of these melons is able to eliminate the acidity of the body that need to be removed, as they can interfere with digestion, especially in the organ of the stomach.

3. Fruit Melon Anti racing / heart

According to a study of stroke / heart is the number one killer of man in the world. Eating a melon will help good blood circulation so as to minimize the risk of stroke or heart attack. Because in melon, it is the anticoagulant content called adenosine, which is able to stop the appearance of pengggumpalan blood cells. Remember blood cell agglutination is a predictor of heart disease or stroke.

4. Anti-cancer melon

Fear of cancer? Do not worry because you can prevent it. Eat melons because the fruits contain high melon carotenoids. With such high carotenoids can prevent the onset of cancer and also minimizes lung cancer attack. Melon fruit useful to kill cancer will be introduced into our body. Eat melons to avoid cancer.

5. Fruit Melon helps cure kidney and eczema

Moderate kidney disease and eczema, do not forget melon for melon can also help to be a kidney and eczema healing disease. Melon has a very good diuretic which can help with kidney disease and the cure of serious diseases and acute eczema. If fruit and lemon melon combined or blended can eradicate uric acid. Remarkable khan? So it's good for you (me also ya) to eat melon regularly every morning to fight kidney disease and eczema. See also previous articles on healthy foods for a kidney.

6. Keep skin healthy Melon Fruit

If you currently have a desire to maintain healthy skin, melon is a solution. Because in the melon, there is collagen content is a compound of yangg protein affecting the integrity of the cellular structure in all the connective tissues like the skin. Collagen functions also the wounds heal quickly and maintain the firmness of the skin. Eating a melon can only make your skin dry and rough.

There are so many benefits from the fruit of it to maintain and maintain health. Melon and lemon benefits is also beneficial. Set aside a portion of your income to buy these fruits for consumption. Hopefully useful.

Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Sitting Position Healthy

Have you noticed a sitting position while working as entering in front of a laptop or a computer? If I - to be honest - never consider carefully how to sit. What is important to sit down and feel at ease, that's all. For example, by typing this article, I sat on the bed. Is it good for your health or not, I was really less attention.

Positional error may be sufficiently high. The sitting posture is bad can lead to posture problems and will have an impact on the overall health problems. So we should know the correct sitting position to avoid a serious illness problem.

Dr. Helen Lee, a DC practitioner and founder of Touch of Life Chiropractic in Hoffman Estates, Illinois said: "Sitting for long periods of time and doing year after year can make circulation decreases, metabolism slows, imbalance of sugar levels In the blood and pressure of the cause on postural muscle balance, "he was quoted as saying SheKnows. He also said not to be surprised if people are sitting too often could be a weight gain factor and Therefore, it is important to know how to sit for good health.

Very well, while we are equal - also know how to sit properly I will describe you. This article I am from many sources. Please be in Google. Here is 5 good position for the health of the body sitting.

1. Develop a healthy posture

Even if you are sitting in the best seats then it does not mean anything to the posture if you sit still tend to undulating, bent over the keyboard or sitting cross-legged. Therefore, try the following tips when you are seated, namely:

Place both feet flat on the floor with knees slightly higher than your hips.
Place your elbows in a comfortable position on the side or your arm on the back that allows the shoulders to be relaxed or casual.
Endeavor to parallel elbow or not to go forward.
Head looking straight ahead and chin slightly tilted down.
Focus on the abdomen or belly breathe throughout the day to increase oxygen and the body remains relaxed.

2. Setting up pads on the waist

If you are sitting in the chair should put the skates on the waist. The goal is that the size does not sit in a sitting position. Dr. Lee gives advice to sit on a chair by providing support or accessory to the waist. Example by putting a small cushion at the waist, buttocks and sits the half rest.

3. Get up and move

Seabaiknya move regularly or wake up every 15-30 minutes. The goal is to stretch, move and breathe. If possible, try walking around for a while. This will improve the flow of energy and avoid crowds snacking at the front desk.

4. Keep your body hydrated

Dehydration problems can make a person tired and tend to sit several degenerate positions. Therefore always keep your body well hydrated throughout the day.


Keeping the sitting position is very important for health and posture. Therefore, it is important for us to take care of this activity and we remain dynamic appearance before others. The important thing is to stay relaxed, not stiff, and every time always move or crusting members waving.

Hopefully the benefits.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

Benefits of Fruit Pears

Pears have some great health benefits. For very bad if you consume each pear to maintain health. Well, the following explanation is about the benefits of eating a pear.

1. Fruit Pears useful As the intake of vitamins

If you are deficient in vitamin C, the pear is a good source of vitamin C. By eating a pear every day, it can meet 17 percent of the body's needs for vitamin C. As we know, vitamin C is well known as the main body compound for a range of important processes, from early to collagen manufacturing, fat transport, electron transport from various enzemik reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating Cholesterol and immunity boosters. In addition, for wound healing and improve the functioning of the brain in order to work optimally, vitamin C is necessary.

Not only that, pears contain vitamin K. Vitamin K in a fairly good pear. You eat a pear can meet 15 percent of your body needs vitamin K every day. We know, vitamin K is very helpful in helping blood clotting process. Vitamin K also has the potential to prevent serious illnesses, such as strokes and heart disease, due to the effect that can reduce the hardening of the arteries by the calcium factor of plaque deposits.

2. Fruit pears can reduce the risk of cancer

Pears are very beneficial for health. Pears are not only high contain gisi, pears also contain compounds that are essential for the body. Among the results of content in a pear is chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid). Chlorogenic acid (to chlorogenic acid) is a part of cinnamic acid hydroxy (cinnamic acid hydroxy). Cinnamic acid hydroxycarboxylic acid is a very important role as an antioxidant that can inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

In a research findings show that acid is also able to prevent the growth of Shigella sonnei bacteria, which become causes of diseases of the digestive tract. Even hydroxy cinnamic acid can also prevent colon cancer. Why? Capacity is property because it can bind nitric acid in the stomach, thus preventing the formation of nitrosamines. Is nitrosamines? Nitrosamines are a potential carcinogen (causing cancer) in the body.

3. Fruit Pears Blood Pressure Control

Pears are useful for controlling blood. Because pears entered the class of plants that have gisi fairly good value, include vitamin C, vitamin K and copper, potassium and dietary fiber (dietary fiber). The Mateljan George Foundation (2006) argues that the dietary fiber content in the pears included in each category. By eating a pear, the body needs dietary fiber every day as much as 19.8 percent will be satisfied.

In addition to pears at cholesterol levels, their fiber content of its food is very helpful in improving the digestive system. Therefore, eating ample amounts of fiber is very good at solving the constipation problem (s) and safe for the sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. In addition the presence of fiber and copper contained in a pear can be preventing colon cancer. Pears with high fiber content is very good for diabetics.

So friends my explanation of the fruits benefits Pears. Your health is also very important to me. Therefore, consuming fruit Pears every day in addition to staple foods like rice and meat is a good thing. Everything we do to maintain good health considering the benefits of a pear that I have presented to you above. Hopefully this article will be useful and will be a reference for your health. Do not forget to share and criticism if there is a shortage of this article. Salam in good health.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Blueberry Fruit and Benefits To Health

This time I will share the information for you about Fruit Blueberry and Health Benefits. I sich never eat fruits Fruit Blueberry. He he he. Just look at the form again on the internet and that too ngambil in google. See picture below Fruit Blueberry.

Blueberry fruit grows only in a few countries. Means in Indonesia do not grow dong. But do not worry because we are also able to enjoy. How? Yes bought at a fruit market, supermarkets, shopping malls, etc. This fruit is included in "housekeeping" berry. It feels very nice to make a lot of people like. Apparently, behind the sweet taste of blueberry fruit contained a lot of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are herbal nutrients that are beneficial to your health. This is the content of phytonutrients in blue berry fruit

Hydroxybenzoic acid
Hydroxybenzoic acid
Another phenol related phytonutrients
Hydroxycinnamic acid
gallic acid
Procatchuic acid
Caffeic acid
Ferulic acid

In the list of phytonutrient contents above, almost all functions as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents and the benefits of these substances has been through research and in a variety of health research.

Blueberry Fruits as Antioxidants

The existence of different types of antioxidants that are stored in blueberries make this fruit into an idol for those who want to prevent heart disease and blood vessels and prevent the signs of premature aging. The surprising thing is the fruit's ability to protect oxidative stress not only benefiting both the circulatory system and the heart, but also to protect the rest of the body. Can be illustrated, for example, the appearance of a muscle injury following heavy exercise can be minimized or reduced by consuming blueberries. Anti-oxidants in the fruit is considered neuroprotective for the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, providing protection to the retina of the eye and preventing cancer.

Blueberry Benefits Cardiovascular Fruit

Consume blue berries long-term, it does not matter. In fact, if consumed in long-term blueberries proved to be a very beneficial for the circulatory system and the heart. Consume one to two small cups for one to three months can reduce total cholesterol, increases good cholesterol and decreases trigeserida. Not only that the protective effect was also observed in the cells lining the walls of the blood vessels.

Benefits Blueberries can also be observed on blood pressure. According to research blueberries have been shown to maintain a healthy blood pressure. So for people with hypertension, consuming it can also reduce systolic and diastolic pressures.

Fruits Blueberry cognitive benefits

This new discovery. Namely, one of the latest discoveries on blueberries are the cognitive benefits. Parents who eat blueberries regularly revealed have a better memory. Thus, researchers in this study were invited to eat in order to slow or delay cognitive impairment related to aging.

In addition to the above have a variety of benefits, blueberries are also known to have benefits for those who have problems with sugar in the blood such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and resistance to Insulin.

God gave a very great affection for us to provide fruits, including blueberries, which is very beneficial for health. We live and depend on us, want to use it or not given by God. Hopefully the explanation of the benefits of blueberries on top will think menambag insight and knowledge about health. Remember, healthy is important.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2017

Look out! Smoking is Dangerous For Pregnant Women!

Smoking is not only a habit for men. Women may also have a bad habit, namely smoking. Ok ok maybe she smoked. But remember the woman will become pregnant. Well, this should be a serious concern if a pregnant woman still smokes.

As we all know, smoking is harmful to your health. Many of the various illnesses that wait before their eyes if they continue to smoke for a long time. It would be dangerous if pregnant women smoke. Not only the mother who will suffer from dangerous diseases, also the baby in her who will bear the consequences of her actions.

The negative impact of smoking among pregnant women among them is respiratory failure of the mother can occur even cancer, while for the baby she will be born prematurely. And the most scary is the baby will be born, for example a deformed labio slot and several other physical abnormalities.

If you are pregnant women have read the article about the impact of smoking on pregnant pregnant women, then you should stop smoking immediately. Poor baby born with abnormally later.

If you do not smoke and still consume nutritious food, your baby will be born normal. Everything would be happy to include your own pregnant women O. So stay away from smoking immediately near you. Promise yourself to say, "Cigarettes goodbye. Do not close any more yes".

Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

For Women Who Want Healthy, It Read Tips!

Every woman would want to be healthy. But not all women know how good health recommended by health experts. Women who are healthy, will be able to move well. Activities in everyday life will run smoothly. Healthy women will tend to think intelligently and skilled.

There are some healthy tips that you can apply the nurhasanahblog.com Women quoted from the blog. You can read it directly on the blog and will be administrator mentioned here.

Health counseling is the first woman with a routine exercise. Exercise regularly will make women become healthy and has always been able to move prima. What should be the heavyweight sport? Of course not. Walking or trotting is good kegaiatan sport to create healthy women.

Then, to be a healthy woman, the following tips are pretty sleepy. Yes, the activity can be numerous and enterprising. But do not forget to refresh the body of the woman in a way sufficient rest. And a good rest is sleep.

Tips healthy woman the next thing is to eat fruits and vegetables regularly. Do not just exercise and have sufficient rest. The food should also take care of the nutrients and vitamins that are good for your health. Examples are fruits and vegetables.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

How To Increase Appetite For Children

Hi mother how are you ?? Today we came back here to provide advice to improve the child's appetite, so that for mothers who already have Dazed and Confused just listened to this good yaa article ... !!!

The human body is like a car engine needs fuel to move. Similarly, the human body needs the food intake to do all the daily activities. If the body does not have the "fuel", and the body "strikes" like a car run out of gas.

However, sometimes, people have a change in diet, ie eating hourly. Especially for children, they are often difficult to be asked to eat and it lays the wrong diet. If irregular eating habits in children are still used, the child will lose their appetite and it can be bad for their health effects.

For parents who have very low appetite children, you should try several ways to improve the child's appetite, such as providing vitamin or supplement that is specifically for children.

It should also be noted, providing supplements of appetite activators alone is not enough, as a parent, you must be creative enough to convince your children to eat regularly. There are several easy, simple, and creative ways to improve the child's appetite.

Increase appetite Natural Children

You may want to not make your child feel scared when told to eat, but the usual way is simply not to incite them to eat the meal that you have prepared. The first way you can be creative with their food and give the appearance of a cute and unique they are eager to touch it. For example, you can make fried rice with ornaments resembling a panda face using natural ingredients, such as carrots, nori, tomatoes, eggs, and so on.

In addition to food to be more artistic, you can also sometimes experiment with making different dishes. For tips, you can replace fried chicken nuggets. With the same ingredients, you can create different types of foods. This way, the child will not feel bored and want to experience a new side dish. If the above two failed to make the child's appetite increases, try with several types of fruits, such as papaya, banana and orange. The three pieces are supposed to improve appetite for both children and adults. To learn more, you can prove yourself.

Increase children's appetite with Jamu Traditional

Traditional herbal medicine was believed to be able to cope with various diseases, for endurance, and overcome the difficulty of eating in children. Using traditional herbal medicine is a way to increase the appetite of children who do not cause harmful side effects. Jamu is not always treated with the form of drinks, but the natural ingredients that are used without any chemical additive is also called herbal medicine. The first material that can be used are sheets of tagets. Leaves Marigolds are often cooked vegetables and is also used as vegetables. You can finely chop the treated leaves of cares and favorite foods with their children. This way, your child will have a better appetite.

In addition to using the leaves of marigolds, you can also use herbal ginger plants to be used as an appetite supplement enhancer. How to create a potion is very easy, grate the ginger simply smooth and rinse with hot water, wring it until you get the juice. Mix the ginger juice with brown sugar or palm sugar and give it to your baby. By regularly consuming these herbs at least 3 times a day, the appetite will return to normal.

Now that a few tips to improve the child's appetite I can give here, we hope that these tips can help mothers who are looking for an idea or solution. Oh yeah do not forget to read my article on how to find the cause of the child being naughty and tips solving here, can be useful yes .. !!!

Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

How To Communicate with Fetus

Entering the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is more susceptible to stimulation. Sound and light can be felt fetus. This is the time to do the stimulation. Any stimulation for the fetus? There are four ways you can make mothers. Four things you can do to stimulate the fetus as with stimulation of nutrients, stimuasi touch, stimulation of light and sound stimulation. Each stimulation can be done by pregnant women so that simple.
How To Bring Baby Talk

The first is the stimulation of nutrition, how to meet the needs of the fetus such as calcium, iron and folic acid. Stimulation of nutrition can be done at the time of childbirth. The second is through the stimulation of light, the path is to direct light into the mother's abdomen hamil.Upaya introduces the concept of darkness and light, stimulation is intended for the brain and eye development In the fetus you. Light stimulation performed during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Then, stimulating the touch and stimulating light, often rubbing your stomach and took the fetus to talk. Baby will respond with a kick or a move. This stimulation can be done when the baby enters the second trimester. What are the benefits and ways to proceed with stimulation and the touch of light?

Bringing Baby Benefits Speaking in Gynecology

Entering the second trimester of pregnancy has made touch and stimulation sound to boost language skills when the baby is born until adulthood. Take the baby's language can be started with a hello hello, good afternoon or before bedtime at night. You can read a prayer chain.

The study found that getting baby talk in the womb will improve the sensory experience first. The sensory experience that is experienced by the child will help in the development of speech and listening, even the ability to speak after the child is born.

In fact, researchers have long known that the fetuses in the womb can already feel the pulse of the mother and heard her mother's voice. Further research by Harvard Medical School can help explain why the baby in the fetus can recognize the elements of the tongue when they are born in the world. The researchers concluded that babies in the womb are already aware of the mother's voice inside the uterus and can affect the brain's development related to language skills.

The study focused on 40 infants were divided into two groups. The first group will hear the voice of the mother and the second group only listens to the voice hospital. The results of this study found that babies can recognize and know the voice of the mother. Even babies who hear the mother's voice in the womb have a larger brain that is associated with the ability to speak and hear.

What is the Right Time to Convince Fetal Talk?

The stimulation is performed on the fetus vary adjusted for gestational age. Developmental psychologist Harold Kaplan, Benjamin J Sadock, and Jack A Grebb, fetal stimulation can be done at 18-20 weeks of gestation. In fact, according to another study indicating that the fetus has the capacity in development and biological psychology at the time of contraceptives. Thus, the ability to start can react to external stimuli.

The mother's voice can accelerate the fetal heart rate, as the lesatan fetal nerve cells. It is time for pregnant women to make rngsangan or stimulation. When the mother heard the sound of the fetal heart beat of the fetus will be active. Unlike when the fetus hear the voice of another person where fetal heart rhythm melambat.Saat active fetal heart rate save words known as cognitive stimulation.

Meanwhile, when the developing fetus, emotional tersentuj fetus with classical music, the stimulation provided is stimulation by stimulating the abdomen of the fetus through the skin associated with physical stimulation, motor.

How to invite Fetus Talking in its content?

Let us cast a fetus into the play of the uterus since the following elements are taken into account to establish communication with the fetus:

1. Avoid saying negative

Avoid using the negative word "no" or "not". The fetus did not have the conscious mind so that it could not understand parental seutuhnya.Kalimat like, "If she is a big naughty" then captured by the fetus is naughty, then you should use positive words such as "Grow up to Be an obedient child, good and dear father and mother".

2. Maintain emotional stability capital

The fetus can feel the emotions of form, the two negative and positive emotions experienced by the mother. In order to maintain emotional stability should be happy and relaxed. The role of the husband can help restore the mood and happiness undergo the mother during pregnancy. Thus, the mother will always have a positive energy then dirasaka by the fetus.

3. Pregnant women should Sensitive led Fetal movement

The fetus will respond to all forms of communication that make parents with fetal movements. He licks kicks when asked to sing. Thus, it is proof of a comfortable and happy perceived by the fetus. Unisex suddenly felt the stomach pain in the middle of the crowd because the baby does not like the environment.

Communicating with the fetus through self-hypnosis

Communication with the fetus by self-hypnosis, this way she can enter her subconscious and talk with Janin. Janin can not have a conscious mind so that anyone who has heard and felt the fetus will be absorbed intact without being filtered in advance and stored in unconscious nature. This condition seems to want to listen to the radio where she must listen to the desired channel and the mother must be lowered until she enters the Alpha brain waves that kept the mind conscious and unconscious.

To communicate with the fetus no guidelines and ideally should be done several times a day. Implementation is pretty much like parents talk with their children no matter what time, there is not even a question may or may not want to do mengobrol.Kapanpun mother, mother can do it.

Discussion for the fetus is not only done by speech, but buzzing, singing, praying with a hardening sound is a form of communication of mother and child. Even husbands can also communicate with the baby in the same way made by the mother.

Keep in mind that your baby can not filter the noise, light, touch or emotion that is accepted and absorbed intact, so you must be careful in the form of a touch, fetal merasaka harmful When the mother Experienced sakit fetal.Bahkan being disturbed by noises coming from the noisy outside.

Senin, 20 Februari 2017

Tips to help kids succeed in school

you might think, "It all sounds difficult, but I do not have access to these systems for the benefit of my children." It is true, you can always give great influence On the education of children.

"We can not have control over how teachers in schools teach at school, but we can define learning in their own homes," said Mei-Ling Hopgood, author of How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Hot adventures and others in the parenting role (From Argentina to Tanzania and everywhere in between).

What he learned a part of his conversation with the family in India, Pakistan, China and Japan, about their academic approaches. Thus, parents feel that their children do not get enough from school, and then they will find a way to supplement it. You too can be like that.

1. Add more time to studying children every day
Sign up for children's additional classes such as music and art, and the narration enjoy free time in the library.

2. Focus on respect for teachers, schools and the learning process
Encourage your child to play school-school at home to establish good behavior in the classroom, for example, do not interrupt, listen to the teacher, and move from one activity to another.

3. Estimate something of value
Countries that successfully divide the belief in academic values, "In China, it's cool to be smart," recalls Laura Goertzel, an American who lives in Beijing with her husband is a diplomat, when their first child was born .

    "Children are the most popular is who has won the highest rank in the class, rather than the child who has the latest electronic gadgets."

Develop your child's curiosity, their ability to respond enthusiastically to various questions about how a computer works or a request to read the Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs before bedtime.

Also make sure to give the children a lot of new challenges, but passable, to promote their fighting power to stay high

Minggu, 19 Februari 2017

Nutrition and nutrition important for pregnant women

Nutrition and nutrition of pregnant women is an important thing that needs to be fulfilled during hard pregnancy. The risk of fetal health are currently designed and her pregnant mother will be reduced if pregnant women receive nutrition and a balanced diet. Therefore, families and pregnant women should be concerned about this. Nutrition or nutritional status of pregnant women equates to putting in healthy nutrition nutrition. Just being alone, pregnant women should be more careful in choosing health foods also considering the unborn fetus.
Nutrition for pregnant women
Nutrition and good nutrition is very helpful when pregnancy lasts pregnant women and fetuses during a pregnancy throughout the day. All nutrition and good nutrition for pregnant women?
With increasing gestational age, diet also increased the nutritional needs of pregnant women, especially by entering the second trimester of pregnancy. At the time of the second trimester, the fetus develops very rapidly, especially on brain growth after nerve arrangement.

Maternal nutrition hamilNutrisi and good nutrition is very helpful when pregnancy lasts pregnant women and fetuses during a pregnancy throughout the day. Of course, pregnant women and the fetus remain healthy. During pregnancy, nutritional requirements increase a case of the need for calcium, iron and folic acid. Pregnant women should be encouraged to consume good nan nutritious foods, as well as control of kenaian weight during pregnancy progresses. The ideal weight gain is between 12-15 kilograms.

For fetal development goes well, and pregnant women can undergo pregnancy days with good health, pregnant women must eat the consumption of nutrients as follows:

 1. calorie

During pregnancy, calorie consumption should increase the range of 300-400 kcal per day. Calories that can be derived from various dietary sources, where the perfect 4 5 healthy diet should be for reference. The good, 55% of the calories obtained from tubers and rice as a source of carbohydrates, both vegetable and animal fats, as much as 35%, 10% protein and vegetables and fruit can be complementary.

 2. Asama folate

The fetus is in desperate need of folic acid in large amounts to the formation of cells and nervous system. During the first trimester the fetus would need an additional 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. If the fetus is deficient in folic acid, this will make the development of the fetus is not perfect and can make the fetus is born with abnormalities such as the anenchephaly experiment (without skullcap), experienced a lip and spina bifda slit Which the spinal cord is not connected). Folic acid can be fruits, brown rice and green vegetables.

 3. protein

In addition to being a source for calorie and nutrient builders, blood formation and cell function is a protein. Proteins are needed by pregnant women with a total of about 60 grams per day or 10 grams more than usual. Proteins can be obtained from nuts, tempeh, egg whites, meat and tofu.

 4. calcium

That works in the growth and formation of the bones and teeth of the fetus. In the absence of adequate calcium during pregnancy, pregnant women can avoid osteoporosis of the disease. Why that? Because if the mother does not have enough calcium, the fetus needs calcium to be taken from her mother's bones. Milk and other processed products are good sources of calcium, in addition to calcium, milk contains other vitamins are needed for pregnant women, seerti vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B2 vitamin B3 and vitamin C. In addition to milk, nuts and green vegetables are a good source of calcium as well.

 5. Vitamin A

Very useful for maintaining the function of the eye, the growth of bone and skin. In addition to vitamin A also serves as immunity and fetal growth. However meskiun vitamin A is needed by pregnant women but not to be allowed to consume in excess, because if pregnant women suffer from excess vitamin A, it can make the fetus are stunted.

 6. iron

That works in blood formation, especially hemoglobin red blood cells and reduce the risk of maternal anemia. Iron will be needed when entering the age of 20 weeks of gestation. The need for iron 30 mg per day. Iron can be found in liver, meat or fish.

 7. Vitamin C

The body of the pregnant woman needs vitamin C in order to absorb iron. Besides vitamin C is very good for the health of the gums and teeth. Another function of vitamin C is to protect the tissues from the organs of bberbagai types of brain damage as well as provide in the form of chemical signals it happens because vitamin C contains antioxidants.

 8. Vitamin D

Can meneyerap calcium is beneficial in bone formation and growth of the child. Vitamin D can be obtained from a food source, milk, egg yolk or fish liver.

If pregnant women do not undergo a variety of symptoms such as anemia, bleeding gums and other symptoms, pregnant women can be considered to have nutrients and enough nutrients. It is more important to check the adequacy of nutrition during pregnancy is definitely through the development of weight gain during pregnancy. Of course, weight gain varies every month. (Read: ideal weight during pregnancy).

But if the pregnant woman during pregnancy nutrition deficiency? This could have an impact on the presence of babies are born prematurely, resulting in a miscarriage, abnormalities of the child's nervous system, the development of the fetus is not normal even cause the death of the fetus. So be especially careful about nutrition during pregnancy, keep in mind, do not meet nutritional needs because of the quantity, but quality nutrition with a balanced and fair composition it is paramount.